mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Women Techmakers Experience

I'm not a big fan of clubs (at all), but Women Tech Makers (WTM) was the exception, it was a combination of Google, Technology and Women, so I had to be a part of it, it was "let’s try and see" experience.

Hanan Khader

First, I had the communication manager title for a year, and after that, I kept doing it titleless as a volunteer (not even a member) just for fun.

Being in communication staff means you are in touch with all the activities of the club, I had the chance to be the bridge between the inside and the outsider world, and most important learning some graphical skills.

Each year we organize a staff meeting and we do a brain storming between new and old members so we can decide the list of new events that we will held besides the annual events. After that, we make an agenda for the year and try to achieve it.

However, in the end of the year not all goals are achieved due to the lack of financial or human resources (like all other clubs members start dropping out).

Every year (except the current year 2017) WTM celebrate the International Women's Day. The program is a mix of conferences held by successful examples of women (women with a message to share), and workshops with a variety of subjects from a technical and nerdy stuffs to entrepreneurship.
First, members (let’s not forget that they are students too) must prepare the sponsoring documents, search by themselves for sponsors, negotiate with them, find a place where the event can be held, food supplier, communicate people so they can come, confirm with them by having a call centers (best memories with call centers) …etc. And like I’ve said before not all plans are attained, sometimes we had to do these tasks and cancel it at the end (you learn lessons from failure).


So personally, during my membership at WTM I have learned a lot of things: communication, negotiation, working under pressure that can create conflicts between members and how to solve it without having a cats fight. I just loved it !

by Fatima Zahara KECHIDA 

I would like to thank my guest Fatima Zahra KECHIDA
I can’t forget the 7th of March ,2015

It was a pleasure organizing with her the second edition of International Women’s Day.

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